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Sustainable Management Scheme for Academic Institutional Solid Waste: A Case Study in Khulna Metropolitan City, Bangladesh

by Md. Zohur-uz-zaman, A. S. M. Riyad
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 91 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Md. Zohur-uz-zaman, A. S. M. Riyad

Md. Zohur-uz-zaman, A. S. M. Riyad . Sustainable Management Scheme for Academic Institutional Solid Waste: A Case Study in Khulna Metropolitan City, Bangladesh. International Journal of Computer Applications. 91, 10 ( April 2014), 21-26. DOI=10.5120/15917-4945

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Of all environmental problems that have come into focus in Khulna, academic institutional solid waste management has been the slowest to develop either direction or regulatory mechanisms. The study was conducted at different educational institution in Khulna, Bangladesh to determine the generation rates and identify the current situation of academic institutional solid waste management (ISWM) which finally motivated to take a sustainable decision of the management of the Academic institutional solid waste. It has been found that the organic food waste dominates in the University, such as the College, the Technical College and secondary and primary schools and the paper and cardboard category is prominent in the academic institutions. The results of the study would provide us important insight into the growing concern of academic institutional solid waste and would help us to find a better alternative of existing solution of the management of Academic institutional solid waste in Khulna city.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Academic institution effective management waste generation sustainable decision environmental problem Khulna.