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¬ATM, Internet Banking and Mobile Banking Services in a Digital Environment: The Egyptian Banking Industry

by Rasha Abd El. Aziz, Rehaballah El Badrawy, Miran Ismail Hussien
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 90 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Rasha Abd El. Aziz, Rehaballah El Badrawy, Miran Ismail Hussien

Rasha Abd El. Aziz, Rehaballah El Badrawy, Miran Ismail Hussien . ¬ATM, Internet Banking and Mobile Banking Services in a Digital Environment: The Egyptian Banking Industry. International Journal of Computer Applications. 90, 8 ( March 2014), 45-52. DOI=10.5120/15598-4408

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E-services are revolutionizing the way business is conducted in banking industry. Banks are trying to provide a variety of self-service channels such as Automated Teller Machines (ATM,) Internet banking and Mobile Banking (m-banking) in order to increase customer convenience, reduce costs and maintain profitability. This paper proposes a framework to explore and compare the dimensions and barriers that affect consumer's intention to use or adopt different self-service banking technologies in the Egyptian context. An empirical study on bank customers was conducted using a quantitative approach, where structured questionnaires were distributed over 1500 respondents that were divided into three groups in order to investigate the usage of ATM, Internet banking and m-banking. Data collected, was statistically analyzed using Chi square test, frequencies and cross tabulations. The results indicate that the three groups differ significantly with respect to usage, value, risk, tradition and image barriers. Moreover, significant relations between decisions of adoption with Internet banking experience, level of education, type of mobile owned and mobile Internet experience were also noted.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Banking ATM Internet Banking Mobile Banking and Consumer Behavior