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A Framework for Career-Education Hybrid Recommender System using a Selective Path Delta-SimRank Algorithm

by Waleed M. Al-adrousy, Hesham A. Ali, Taher T. Hamza
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 90 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Waleed M. Al-adrousy, Hesham A. Ali, Taher T. Hamza

Waleed M. Al-adrousy, Hesham A. Ali, Taher T. Hamza . A Framework for Career-Education Hybrid Recommender System using a Selective Path Delta-SimRank Algorithm. International Journal of Computer Applications. 90, 2 ( March 2014), 42-47. DOI=10.5120/15550-4365

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Selecting proper educational courses is a major problem in the student's life. A key factor in selecting courses is asking for the experts' opinion in the real life business. However, contacting with a real expert in a field may be difficult for many students. In this research, we suggest a general framework for a social network to connect students and experts. The framework depends on a variation of Delta-SimRank algorithm. The suggested variation is called Selective Path Delta-SimRank (SPDSR). Both the SPDSR and the original Delta-SimRank apply MapReduce technique for load balancing in a network of device. The suggested SPDSR tries to enhance the performance of Delta-SimRank. The Experiments results had shown that SPDSR had reduced the processing time in 30-70% of test cases to enhance performance by 18% in average.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


MapReduce Scientogram SimRank Recommender System Education and Self-Learning Collaboration.