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Reseach Article

Intrusion Detection and Prevention System for Cloud Simulation Environment using Hidden Markov Model and MD5

by Harsha Banafar, Sanjay Sharma
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 90 - Number 19
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Harsha Banafar, Sanjay Sharma

Harsha Banafar, Sanjay Sharma . Intrusion Detection and Prevention System for Cloud Simulation Environment using Hidden Markov Model and MD5. International Journal of Computer Applications. 90, 19 ( March 2014), 6-11. DOI=10.5120/15826-4490

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Any activity aimed at disrupting a service or making a resource unavailable or gaining unauthorized access can be termed as an intrusion. Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) play a key role in detecting such malicious activities and enable administrators in securing network systems. The cloud computing platform gives people the opportunity for sharing resources, services and information among the people of the whole world. In private cloud system, information is shared among the persons who are in that cloud. For this, security or personal information hiding process hampers. In this paper we have proposed new security architecture for cloud computing platform. This ensures secure communication system and hiding information from others by authentication using shared secret key MD5 and provides security using Hidden Markov Model. This structure can be easily applied with main cloud computing features, e. g. PaaS, SaaS and IaaS. Our work mainly deals with the security system of the whole cloud computing platform.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud Computing Intrusion detection and prevention system MD5 Hashing Hidden Markov Model.