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Reseach Article

Improving Revocation Scheme to Enhance the Performance in Multi-Authority ABE

by Shraddha U. Rasal, Bharat Tidke
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 90 - Number 18
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Shraddha U. Rasal, Bharat Tidke

Shraddha U. Rasal, Bharat Tidke . Improving Revocation Scheme to Enhance the Performance in Multi-Authority ABE. International Journal of Computer Applications. 90, 18 ( March 2014), 5-10. DOI=10.5120/15818-4542

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%T Improving Revocation Scheme to Enhance the Performance in Multi-Authority ABE
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Traditional system in cryptography allows just sharing of keys between the sender and receiver, for such a technique only the signature storage is provided for the user's public key. But as the number of users increases, it's became a challenging job to have such a certificate storage as well as key distribution, to overcome this Identity Based Encryption (IBE) was proposed, but again it had created the time consuming environment as it was supporting only to one-to-one communication. After IBE Attribute Based encryption (ABE) made possibility to provide multicast communication between users but it was limited to only key policy based encryption as well as could not provide the revocation phenomenon for keys. So this paper aims to develop an existing system using MAMM (Multiple Authority Multiple Mediator) with the use of distributed CP-ABE (Cipher Policy ABE) which enhances the revocation and improves the performance.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cipher-text Distributed Cipher-text policy Encryption Multi-Authority Multi-Authority Single Mediator.