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Article:A Model based approach to Implement Cloud Computing in E-Governance

by Dr Ashish Rastogi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 9 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Dr Ashish Rastogi

Dr Ashish Rastogi . Article:A Model based approach to Implement Cloud Computing in E-Governance. International Journal of Computer Applications. 9, 7 ( November 2010), 15-18. DOI=10.5120/1399-1888

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In the current scenario every enterprise want to implement Cloud Computing to fulfill their computing needs. These changes naturally should reflect the way government functions in terms of the organization of the government, its relationship with its citizens, institutions and businesses and cooperation with other governments. The critical problem (Rastogi 2010) discussed for the developing countries is the necessary infrastructure to implement the E-services. In another paper he (Rastogi 2010) also discusses how to overcome the E-governance problems faced by the developing countries. Application of Cloud computing for the better E-governance in Developing countries In this paper we propose a model based framework to implement cloud computing.

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  36. Rastogi A. “Application of Cloud computing for the better E-governance in Developing countries”, unpublished 2010. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Definition of Cloud Computing,
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Information Technology Cloud Computing E-governance