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Awareness and Understanding of Computer Forensics in the Ghana Legal System

by Michael Adjei Frempong, Kamal Kant Hiran
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 89 - Number 20
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Michael Adjei Frempong, Kamal Kant Hiran

Michael Adjei Frempong, Kamal Kant Hiran . Awareness and Understanding of Computer Forensics in the Ghana Legal System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 89, 20 ( March 2014), 54-59. DOI=10.5120/15752-4640

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In this era of Technological age also called digital age, most transactions are conducted electronically. This modern-day paradigm makes way for the possibility of harmful unanticipated information security breaches of both civil and criminal nature. However, there is a tremendous knowledge gap in the legal system concerning computer/digital forensics with respect to digital evidence. Courtroom and Legal issues relevant to computer/digital forensics are extensive and differs with respect to procedural evidence rules that ensure reliability of the evidence so produced in the court of law for fair adjudication. Electronic evidence is very fundamental to the successful handling of cases related to such information security breaches. This paper on the impact of awareness and understanding of computer/digital forensics in the Ghana Legal System especially Judges, with regards to the electronic evidence, laws and jurisprudence covered twenty (20) superior Judges. The findings revealed a gap between the Judges and issues on computer forensics which if not looked at may create problems in relation to the influx of computer related crimes.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Computer Forensic Digital Evidence Admissibility Rules of Evidence.