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Detection of Image Tampering over Diverse information Security Schemata: A State-of-the-Art

by Deepali N. Pande, A. R. Bhagat Patil, Antara S. Bhattacharya
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 89 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Deepali N. Pande, A. R. Bhagat Patil, Antara S. Bhattacharya

Deepali N. Pande, A. R. Bhagat Patil, Antara S. Bhattacharya . Detection of Image Tampering over Diverse information Security Schemata: A State-of-the-Art. International Journal of Computer Applications. 89, 2 ( March 2014), 35-47. DOI=10.5120/15476-4165

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Many recent technologies in the field of image processing have necessitated the attention to the field of image forensics. Increase in cyber communication system and availability of advanced digital processing tools, in the past decades has given birth to forgery attempts. Irrespective of various approaches used to protect the Image, proving integrity of the image received in communication is a difficult issue. Under such circumstances, no image can be treated secure against breaches. Moreover, knowledge of the manipulation model is a must for detecting a certain type of tampering. The aim of this paper is to highlight new developments regarding detection of tampering in comparison of various schemata used in the past decades for forgery detection. An assortment of various models used for providing information security to image based on authentication, integrity and confidentiality is presented. Methods of tamper detection have been assessed over the type of attack. An in depth classification of types of image security has been proposed which emphasizes total security issues. The paper puts forward chief developments in schemata of tampering detection.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Digital imaging Information Security Image Tampering Detection Image Authentication Image Forensics Passive Image Tampering Detection