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Mobile Multimodal Biometric System for Security

by Waleed El Nahal
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 89 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Waleed El Nahal

Waleed El Nahal . Mobile Multimodal Biometric System for Security. International Journal of Computer Applications. 89, 10 ( March 2014), 12-16. DOI=10.5120/15666-4041

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Among our huge life requirements, the most important requirement which has a vital role in our daily life is the security. Recently using biometrics in the security systems has a wide range of research interests since they provide systems have more efficient, reliable, and secure than the others. In the present time researches for mobile biometric devices are provided with a fingerprint only which isn't sufficient for the areas where lawlessness and anarchy cases are existed recently due to the current political situation in some developing countries in Africa and Middle East where the rate of crime increased significantly involving a large number of people getting into the crime scene. Police departments are unable to identify robbers and criminals due to the presence of newly unrecorded ones with the lack of presence of a fixed database holding records of widely known criminals. So in this paper we propose a mobile biometric authentication system (MOBAS) based on Zigbee technology and a multimodal biometric authentication system in which the primary biometric modalities adopted are the fingerprint and the face recognition. The proposed system aims to provide a mobile, light, user friendly, reliable and secure biometric authentication system to the police departments, and that will help the officers anywhere to identify the criminals by taking a fingerprint or capturing an image or both for different scenarios, sending them wirelessly to the server at the appropriate police station and then waiting for a response concerning the person's criminal record sent wirelessly from the police station and displayed on a mobile biometric authentication device (MOBA). According to the sent criminal record, the police officers will take a suitable action towards this person.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Biometric systems Finger print face recognition Nomad Biometric Authentication (NOBA).