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Review on: Data Aggregation and Dynamic Routing in Wireless Sensor Network

by Yuoraj Somkuwar, S. D. Kamble
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 88 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Yuoraj Somkuwar, S. D. Kamble

Yuoraj Somkuwar, S. D. Kamble . Review on: Data Aggregation and Dynamic Routing in Wireless Sensor Network. International Journal of Computer Applications. 88, 17 ( February 2014), 31-35. DOI=10.5120/15448-3977

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A wireless sensor network (WSN) has important applications such as monitoring temperature, humidity, level, speed, remote environmental monitoring and target tracking. Main critical issue in sensor network is maximization of network lifetime. All sensor nodes are required large amount of energy to send and receive data; also it depends upon distance between two nodes. Therefore with the help of Data aggregation technique we reduce the size of data. In wireless sensor network's (WSN's) nodes need less power for processing as compared to send data. Second technique is to reduce amount of energy to send data by using shortest path that can be achieve with the help of dynamic routing. Our proposed technique is attribute aware data aggregation. Attributes means the identifier of sampled data by different sensors node such as humidity sensors, temperature sensors etc. , should be gathered together. Attribute-aware Data Aggregation mechanism which can collect packets with same attribute as much as possible and hence improve the efficiency of data aggregation. This aim can't be achieved by static routing technique of data aggregation mechanisms since they construct routes before transmitting the sampled data and thus cannot dynamically forward packets in response to the variation of packets at intermediate. Therefor we use potential-based dynamic routing scheme to transfer data into network.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Wireless Sensor Networks Dynamic routing Data Aggregation Attribute aware Potential based