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A Novel Digital Watermarking Technique based on Feature Attribute Selection using Integer Wavelet Transform Function and ID3 Algorithm

by Charu Kavadia, Vishal Shrivastava
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 88 - Number 16
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Charu Kavadia, Vishal Shrivastava

Charu Kavadia, Vishal Shrivastava . A Novel Digital Watermarking Technique based on Feature Attribute Selection using Integer Wavelet Transform Function and ID3 Algorithm. International Journal of Computer Applications. 88, 16 ( February 2014), 35-40. DOI=10.5120/15438-3946

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title = { A Novel Digital Watermarking Technique based on Feature Attribute Selection using Integer Wavelet Transform Function and ID3 Algorithm },
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issue_date = { February 2014 },
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%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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Feature extraction and classification based digital water marking is new area of research in current privacy protection and copyright technique. In this area of research various authors used feature extraction technique such as wavelet transform function and for classification purpose used support vector machine. in the process of feature based water marking technique feature extraction is most important part and the classification depends on selected feature. In this paper proposed novel digital water marking technique based on integer wavelet transform with attribute based classification technique. For the selection of feature attribute used RBF function. The selection of attribute depends on extracted feature by integer wavelet transform. The proposed method simulates in MATLAB software and tested some reputed attack such as noise attack, share attack and translation attack. our empirical evaluation result shows better performance in compression of DWT water marking technique.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Digital watermarking IWT ID3 RBF network