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Heart Murmur Detection using Fractal Analysis of Phonocardiograph Signals

by Anandarup Mukherjee, Nidhi Pathak, Anirban Roy
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 88 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Anandarup Mukherjee, Nidhi Pathak, Anirban Roy

Anandarup Mukherjee, Nidhi Pathak, Anirban Roy . Heart Murmur Detection using Fractal Analysis of Phonocardiograph Signals. International Journal of Computer Applications. 88, 12 ( February 2014), 30-35. DOI=10.5120/15407-3928

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This paper proposes a method of differentiating normal heart sounds S1 and S2 from those of a heart with valvular dysfunction by comparing the generated Fractal dimension using Higuchi's Fractal Dimension. The aim is to provide a classifying parameter which can clearly demarcate normal heart sounds from those with murmurs. The performance of this method is verified against a Continuous Wavelet transform generated time- scale domain method.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Fractal Dimension Higuchi's Algorithm Phonocardiograph Heart Sounds Murmurs