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Enhanced Security Management through Detecting and Localizing Spoofing Adversaries in Network System

by Archana L. Shelar, Madhav D. Ingle
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 87 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Archana L. Shelar, Madhav D. Ingle

Archana L. Shelar, Madhav D. Ingle . Enhanced Security Management through Detecting and Localizing Spoofing Adversaries in Network System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 87, 8 ( February 2014), 36-39. DOI=10.5120/15232-3762

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%T Enhanced Security Management through Detecting and Localizing Spoofing Adversaries in Network System
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Currently the Wireless Networks are used worldwide across the Globe. Such Wireless Networks are easily susceptible for variety of attacks. The variety of Spoofing attacks can also be easily launched in the wireless environment. Here this paper presents the new enhanced technique which makes use of the physical property mainly -RSS (The Received Signal Strength) associated with each node. It mainly focuses on RSS means the physical property instead of existing cryptographic techniques, which is hard or difficult to falsify and also independent of cryptographic techniques. This paper mainly focuses on ---Detecting Identity based spoofing attack, Determining number of attackers in the cluster network, Localizing and determining the actual position of attackers. Also this can further be used for Detecting Denial of Service attacks and Man in the Middle Attack. The experimental results show that this enhanced form doesn't require any additional efforts and also doesn't require extra modifications to the existing. Hence such things depict that this technique gives the enhanced security management as compared to the existing security techniques.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Spoofing Attack Security Cryptography RSS and Wireless Network