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A Study on the Impact of Wavelet Decomposition on Face Recognition Methods

by M. M. Mohie El-din, Neveen I. Ghali, Ahmed. A. A. G, H. A. El Shenbary
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 87 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: M. M. Mohie El-din, Neveen I. Ghali, Ahmed. A. A. G, H. A. El Shenbary

M. M. Mohie El-din, Neveen I. Ghali, Ahmed. A. A. G, H. A. El Shenbary . A Study on the Impact of Wavelet Decomposition on Face Recognition Methods. International Journal of Computer Applications. 87, 3 ( February 2014), 14-21. DOI=10.5120/15188-3549

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title = { A Study on the Impact of Wavelet Decomposition on Face Recognition Methods },
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%A Neveen I. Ghali
%A Ahmed. A. A. G
%A H. A. El Shenbary
%T A Study on the Impact of Wavelet Decomposition on Face Recognition Methods
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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Face recognition is the important field of pattern recognition. Discrete Wavelet Transform, (DWT), is known as a very powerful tool in the field of image processing, which extracts the feature vector to determine the performance of face recognition system. However, there are different decomposition levels of DWT. In this paper different decomposition levels of DWT integrated with a lot of good feature extraction methods are examined. Experiments on ORL face database showed that three levels of wavelet decomposition gives promising results and the hybrid method 2D-DWT_PCA_SVM gives high recognition rate and less time rather than other used methods.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Face recognition 2D-DWT SVM PCA FLDA 2D-PCA