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Multibiometric Personal Identification based on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Technique using Serial Mode Architecture

by Laheeb M. Alzoubiady, Ibrahim A. Saleh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 87 - Number 18
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Laheeb M. Alzoubiady, Ibrahim A. Saleh

Laheeb M. Alzoubiady, Ibrahim A. Saleh . Multibiometric Personal Identification based on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Technique using Serial Mode Architecture. International Journal of Computer Applications. 87, 18 ( February 2014), 1-7. DOI=10.5120/15305-3686

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title = { Multibiometric Personal Identification based on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Technique using Serial Mode Architecture },
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In this research a multibiometric identification system with serial mode using palmprint, Dental and DNA biometric traits is proposed to identify person. A proposed system consists of three steps, first step is to create a database where all the information about the authenticated users is stored. Second step is to extracts the features from a database images for palmprint and dental estimated the eigenvalues using KL transforming while the DNA data converted into ASCII code. The last step used hybrid Artificial technique combined backpropagation Neural Network and particle swarm optimization (PSO) as classifier and compare the test image with the stored information in the database. The experimental results applied cascaded (serial) mode show that the proposed system has an encouraging performance. The Genuine acceptance rate 98%, False Acceptance Rate (2%), False Rejected Rate (5%) and Recognition Rate (93%)

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Index Terms –Multibiometric - serial mode- KL transform- backpropagation-Particle swarm intelligence- Verification- Identification