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Social Popularity based SVD++ Recommender System

by Rajeev Kumar, B. K. Verma, Shyam Sunder Rastogi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 87 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Rajeev Kumar, B. K. Verma, Shyam Sunder Rastogi

Rajeev Kumar, B. K. Verma, Shyam Sunder Rastogi . Social Popularity based SVD++ Recommender System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 87, 14 ( February 2014), 33-37. DOI=10.5120/15279-4033

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Recommender systems have shown a lot of awareness in the past decade. Due to their great business value, recommender systems have also been successfully deployed in business, such as product recommendation at flipkart, HomeShop18, and music recommendation at Last. fm, Pandora, and movie recommendation at Flixstreet, MovieLens, and Jinni. In the past few years, the incredible growth of Web 2. 0 web sites and applications constitute new challenges for Traditional recommender systems. Traditional recommender systems always ignore social interaction among users. But in our real life, when we are asking our friends or looking opinions, reviews for recommendations of Mobile or heart touching music, movies, electronic gadgets, restaurant, book, games, software Apps, we are actually using social information for recommendations. In this paper social popularity factor are incorporated in SVD++ factorization method as implicit feedback to improve accuracy and scalability of recommendations.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


CF Based Recommendation SVD Social Popularity