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A Comparative Study on the Performance of HZR+ Trees on Query Processing

by Suba S
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 87 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Suba S

Suba S . A Comparative Study on the Performance of HZR+ Trees on Query Processing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 87, 13 ( February 2014), 42-46. DOI=10.5120/15272-3910

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Data is being produced in new forms and unimaginable quantities. Researches and other scientific and commercial applications are engrossing the scientific community for their size and need of faster accessibility. The conventional access methods previously available in multidimensional databases are no longer suitable for the new form of data produced. In traditional databases, multicolumn index is created using B-tree [5]. This indexing cannot slide over columns, so the primary index column must be in the WHERE clause filters of the query. The R-tree [3], an extension of the B-tree, is a hierarchical, height balanced multidimensional indexing structure that guarantees space utilization above a certain threshold. But the data produced in most of the cases are not spatial in nature. Therefore, the data should be restructured in order to map the non-spatial data to geometric space. Thus, the multidimensional accessibility of spatial access methods, experimented on non spatial data for the first time and the analysis of which has produced interesting results forms the major contributions of this paper. The sequence of procedures followed to arrive at the analytical study is as follows: 1. The packing of non spatial data converts the data into a form that paves the way for multidimensional access, similar to using spatial access methods for spatial data. 2. The proposal of reduction of overlap of data using Hilbert curves for ordering the data before insertion into the proposed indexing structure 3. The proposal of a new index structure, Hilbert ZR+ Tree [HZR+ Tree]. 4. A collection of experiments and analysis which validates and proves the efficiency of the proposed data model.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Hilbert ZR+ Tree packing-data NSR-Tree