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Reseach Article

A Survey on Underwater Image Enhancement Techniques

by Pooja Sahu, Neelesh Gupta, Neetu Sharma
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 87 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Pooja Sahu, Neelesh Gupta, Neetu Sharma

Pooja Sahu, Neelesh Gupta, Neetu Sharma . A Survey on Underwater Image Enhancement Techniques. International Journal of Computer Applications. 87, 13 ( February 2014), 19-23. DOI=10.5120/15268-3743

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title = { A Survey on Underwater Image Enhancement Techniques },
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%A Neetu Sharma
%T A Survey on Underwater Image Enhancement Techniques
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This review paper deals with the methods to improve underwater image enhancement techniques, the processing of underwater image captured is necessary because the quality of underwater images affect and these image leads some serious problems when compared to images from a clearer environment. A lot of noise occurs due to low contrast, poor visibility conditions (absorption of natural light), non uniform lighting and little color variations, pepper noise and blur effect in the underwater images because of all these reasons number of methods are existing to cure these underwater images different filtering techniques are also available in the literature for processing and enhancement of underwater images one of them is image enhancement using median filter which enhances the image and help to estimate the depth map and improve quality by removing noise particles with the help of different techniques, and the other is RGB Color Level Stretching have used. Forward USM technique can also be used for image enhancement.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


RGB Color Level color enhancement Light Correction Method Median filter.