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Framework to Improve Data Integrity in Multi Cloud Environment

by Anandita Singh Thakur, P. K. Gupta
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 87 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Anandita Singh Thakur, P. K. Gupta

Anandita Singh Thakur, P. K. Gupta . Framework to Improve Data Integrity in Multi Cloud Environment. International Journal of Computer Applications. 87, 10 ( February 2014), 28-32. DOI=10.5120/15245-3788

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Cloud computing is a network based environment where resources, information and software's are shared and provided to the users according to their demands. Though cloud computing is being widely used in various fields, it has certain drawbacks. Security issue is a concern in cloud computing. The confidentiality and data integrity should be guaranteed to the user who is putting their data over the cloud. This paper proposes a framework that would provide integrity of data of multiple users through Third Party Auditor (TPA) and proposes various algorithms to implement this framework. In the proposed framework concept of multi cloud has been used to provide best cost optimization for various requirements of user. The framework is also divided into three platforms namely: platinum for sensitive data storage, gold for less level of security and silver for least level of security on the data. Finally we have implemented different algorithms for the various platforms in the proposed framework. In the obtained results, we can find that the proposed framework is easy to implement and provides better performance by using the traditional algorithms of network security over the various issues of cloud computing.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


AES Bcrypt Churning Cloud computing data integrity RSA security third party auditor