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An Effective Parallel XML Fuzzy Query Processing

by K. Naresh Kumar, N. V. E. S Murthy, Ch. Satyanand Reddy
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 86 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: K. Naresh Kumar, N. V. E. S Murthy, Ch. Satyanand Reddy

K. Naresh Kumar, N. V. E. S Murthy, Ch. Satyanand Reddy . An Effective Parallel XML Fuzzy Query Processing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 86, 9 ( January 2014), 14-22. DOI=10.5120/15012-3294

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Representation and handling of inexactness in information has become the major issues in modern database system and next generation information systems. In order to deal with the information inexactness, fuzzy logic is integrated with various database model and theories. This paper presents a query processing model could coupled with fuzzy logic in XML database system. Our system is based on traditional XML databases, while permitting the storage of fuzzy data as well as crisp data. Crisp data are the usual precise data handled by the traditional databases whereas fuzzy logic gives the output in certain range. In this paper we are dealing with the concept of critical architectural component named fuzzy meta- knowledge base. The main aim of fuzzy meta- knowledge basis to keep the different types of fuzzy divisions for database attributes. Fuzzy meta- knowledge base defines and demonstrates data of fuzzy nature is stored in the fuzzy meta- knowledge base. The fuzzy query language is based on X-PATH. It can accept any type of fuzzy expressions in any condition in query part. For improving the performance of X-PATH, we are using Parallel Path Stack algorithm. Parallel Path Stack algorithm speed XML Query processing performance significantly.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


XML Fuzzy logic X-PATH fuzzy query Fuzzy meta- knowledge base.