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Reseach Article

Ternary Tree based Group Key Agreement Protocol Over Elliptic Curve for Dynamic Group

by Abhimanyu Kumar, Sachin Tripathi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 86 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Abhimanyu Kumar, Sachin Tripathi

Abhimanyu Kumar, Sachin Tripathi . Ternary Tree based Group Key Agreement Protocol Over Elliptic Curve for Dynamic Group. International Journal of Computer Applications. 86, 7 ( January 2014), 17-25. DOI=10.5120/14997-3072

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title = { Ternary Tree based Group Key Agreement Protocol Over Elliptic Curve for Dynamic Group },
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%A Sachin Tripathi
%T Ternary Tree based Group Key Agreement Protocol Over Elliptic Curve for Dynamic Group
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Secure group communication is an active area of research and its popularity is fuelled by the growing importance of group oriented internet applications such as voice & video conferences, pay per view, etc. Several groupware applications like video conferences, distributed computations, etc requires secure transmission while communicating over the Internet. For secure communication, the integrity of the messages, member authentication, and confidentiality are must be provided among group members. To provide message integrity all group members must be agreed up on a common group key to encrypt and decrypt the messages. This paper proposes an efficient and contributory group key agreement protocol and also support dynamic operations like join, leave, merge, etc. by using ECC based Diffie Hellman key exchange. This protocol employs ternary tree like structure instead of binary tree in the process of group key generation. The performance of the proposed scheme is compared with that of several others existing schemes in literature and it is found that the proposed one is performs well in terms of communication and computation cost. In addition, the formal security validation is done using AVISPA tool that demonstrated that the proposed protocol is safe against passive and active attacks.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


ECC group key agreement ternary tree ECC based Diffie-Hellman AVISPA.