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A Survey Paper on Trajectory Pattern Mining for Pattern Matching Query

by S. R. Ghule, S. M. Shinde
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 86 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: S. R. Ghule, S. M. Shinde

S. R. Ghule, S. M. Shinde . A Survey Paper on Trajectory Pattern Mining for Pattern Matching Query. International Journal of Computer Applications. 86, 17 ( January 2014), 27-30. DOI=10.5120/15079-3469

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Large amount information of moving objects on road network is being collected with the help of various recent technologies. The tracking of these moving objects on road networks is becoming important because of it's application in various areas. Classification has been used for classifying various kinds of data sets like graph, text documents. However, there is a lack of study on data like trajectories on road networks. Data mining techniques, especially, sequential pattern mining can be used to extract frequent spatio-temporal patterns. Again it needs to confine the length of sequential patterns to ensure high efficiency. After extracting frequent sequential patterns in trajectories, classification can be applied to classify patterns which provide useful information in applications such as city and transportation planning, road construction, design, and maintenance, marketing sector. In this paper, whole pattern matching query concept is adopted after the classification to find total traffic volume on given trajectory edge. At the same time, user can find number of vehicles moving in one as well as in both directions on that particular trajectory.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Trajectory sequential patterns frequent pattern based classification location based services pattern matching.