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Reseach Article

Implementation of Low Cost Human Machine Interface (HMI) using Natural Feature Tracking (NFT)

by Krishna Chauhan, Sandeep Singh Padan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 86 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Krishna Chauhan, Sandeep Singh Padan

Krishna Chauhan, Sandeep Singh Padan . Implementation of Low Cost Human Machine Interface (HMI) using Natural Feature Tracking (NFT). International Journal of Computer Applications. 86, 17 ( January 2014), 18-21. DOI=10.5120/15077-3456

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%T Implementation of Low Cost Human Machine Interface (HMI) using Natural Feature Tracking (NFT)
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This paper introduces an altogether a new, easy and user friendly approach for detection and tracking of the natural features such as a human finger in its natural form without the use of any added on artificial reference. The natural features are used to stabilize tracking process against external disturbances, noise or any occlusions. This paper emphasizes on integration of various technological concepts offering users a new and cheap way of studying & experiencing user friendly recognition of natural features without the need of any external and expensive hardware or software.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Natural Feature Tracking Natural and Artificial Features