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Detecting the Contours via a New Approximation of the Gradient

by Mohamed Lagzouli, Mustapha Rachidi, Youssfi Elkettani
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 85 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Mohamed Lagzouli, Mustapha Rachidi, Youssfi Elkettani

Mohamed Lagzouli, Mustapha Rachidi, Youssfi Elkettani . Detecting the Contours via a New Approximation of the Gradient. International Journal of Computer Applications. 85, 17 ( January 2014), 16-21. DOI=10.5120/14933-3480

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title = { Detecting the Contours via a New Approximation of the Gradient },
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%T Detecting the Contours via a New Approximation of the Gradient
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Contours detection is a key component of many image processing and computer vision. This paper proposes and validates a new efficient gradient method for detecting the contours in grayscale image. This method is based on the average of two derivatives, obtained from two different steps. This mathematical formulation, derived from a discrete numerical differentiation of image, plays a central role in this method. There are presented some operators and mask of discrete functions, which are effective for the detection of contours. Comparison of the mask obtained using the two derivatives operator, with the usual linear masks, allows us to show the efficiency of the new mask.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Steps Mask Operator Mixture of two steps Convolution kernel Discrete functions