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Ignoring Irrelevant Pages in Weighted PageRank Algorithm using Text Content of the Target Page

by Sunil Kumar, Niraj Singhal
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 85 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Sunil Kumar, Niraj Singhal

Sunil Kumar, Niraj Singhal . Ignoring Irrelevant Pages in Weighted PageRank Algorithm using Text Content of the Target Page. International Journal of Computer Applications. 85, 1 ( January 2014), 30-33. DOI=10.5120/14806-3014

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The web is expanding day-by-day and people generally rely on search engines to explore the web. The web has created many challenges for information retrieval. Degree of quality of the information extracted is one of the major issue to be taken care of, and current information retrieval approaches need to be modified to meet such challenges. While doing query based searching, the search engines return a list of web documents containing both relevant and irrelevant pages and sometimes show the higher ranking to the irrelevant pages as compared to relevant pages. This paper presents a novel approach to ignore irrelevant pages in weighted pagerank algorithm using text content of the targeted pages.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Page rank Irrelevant pages Page content Links.