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An Empirical Study of Agile Software Development Methodologies: A Sri Lankan Perspective

by M. M. M. Safwan, Thavarajah G., Vijayarajah N., K. Senduran, C. D. Manawadu
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 84 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: M. M. M. Safwan, Thavarajah G., Vijayarajah N., K. Senduran, C. D. Manawadu

M. M. M. Safwan, Thavarajah G., Vijayarajah N., K. Senduran, C. D. Manawadu . An Empirical Study of Agile Software Development Methodologies: A Sri Lankan Perspective. International Journal of Computer Applications. 84, 8 ( December 2013), 1-7. DOI=10.5120/14593-2832

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The challenges with developing software systems led to a switch from traditional software methodologies like Waterfall towards the Agile software methodologies. Agile methodologies are an established process for developing software nowadays and are relatively considered to be quick. These Agile software methodologies have become more and more popular in recent times, and Scrum in particular has been adopted by many companies. The current literature suggests that these Agile methodologies are indeed more effective in project management, particularly in dealing with the complexity of modern software systems and the rapidly changing business environment. There is, however, less evidence on their usage among software practitioners in Sri Lanka. This paper empirically investigates the perceptions of Agile methodologies usage from software practitioners in Sri Lanka. The team presents the practices in Agile perceived to deliver the most benefits. The team aim to provide awareness and knowledge about Agile methodologies to the practitioners in the country. This paper can serve as a reference to the early adopters who intend to use Agile methods in the future.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Agile project management Software process Agile methods Practices Methodologies.