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Cloud based Secure Trust based Middleware for Smartphones for Accessing Enterprise Applications

by Harsukhpal Singh, Mandeep Singh, Raman Puneet Singh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 84 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Harsukhpal Singh, Mandeep Singh, Raman Puneet Singh

Harsukhpal Singh, Mandeep Singh, Raman Puneet Singh . Cloud based Secure Trust based Middleware for Smartphones for Accessing Enterprise Applications. International Journal of Computer Applications. 84, 7 ( December 2013), 1-7. DOI=10.5120/14585-2819

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There are about 6,098 million wireless devices in the world and there were 117. 7 million smartphone users in 2012. The number is increasing day by day. With the attractiveness of web services for mobile devices, the concern of security for mobile devices has been brought up. There is a need for organizations to allow employees to use smartphones for their work. More and more wireless Devices are being used, moreover, with more and more collaboration of organizations, web services are now in general involved with more than one organization and they use enterprise applications deployed mainly on the Cloud. The Enterprise applications are being accessed by the wireless devices and fixed connections. Trusting the wireless devices mainly smartphones is an issue with the devices. With the increase of Mobile users Mobile computing required more enhanced security than traditional computing systems. This paper focuses on building a secure middleware based trust on the cloud. Smartphones accessing the Enterprise Applications on the cloud will have to get access as per the trust polices used by the trust models in the middleware. It resolves the issues caused by the smartphones being stolen, insecure communication between the smartphones and cloud, users misusing the privileges. The Secure middleware will be hosted on cloud platform for enhancing the security. The trust value is calculated for all http requests from the smartphones to cloud and then to decide whether the request should be served or not by the middleware. The thought of the Secure Middleware is to make the trust models more adaptable scalable and optimized for the smartphones accessing the enterprise applications.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Middleware Trust Models Android Trust policies CloudSim Trust Policy