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Crowd Management using Viola Jones Algorithm and Heuristic Data Mining

by Ajit Naik, Divyesh Darde, Shraddha Chitalia, Vidya Zope
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 84 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Ajit Naik, Divyesh Darde, Shraddha Chitalia, Vidya Zope

Ajit Naik, Divyesh Darde, Shraddha Chitalia, Vidya Zope . Crowd Management using Viola Jones Algorithm and Heuristic Data Mining. International Journal of Computer Applications. 84, 17 ( December 2013), 9-13. DOI=10.5120/14676-2949

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title = { Crowd Management using Viola Jones Algorithm and Heuristic Data Mining },
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issue_date = { December 2013 },
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%A Vidya Zope
%T Crowd Management using Viola Jones Algorithm and Heuristic Data Mining
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Image processing techniques like face detection play a significant role in counting the number of people present at any given location which is under surveillance of a camera or any face detection system. This data collected can be processed and analyzed to deduce important findings. Data Mining plays a major role in analysis of this data and production of important statistics. Based on these statistics important decisions are made. This paper proposes one such system that uses Viola Jones face detection algorithm to keep a count of number of visitors at railway station throughout the day and heuristic data mining technique to analyze this stored data and suggest the required action.

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  8. Article from "The Times of India" dated May 19, 2013 on the crowd at different railway stations in Mumbai Suburban network: http://articles. timesofindia. indiatimes. com/2013-05-19/mumbai/39369149_1_passengers-mumbai-rail-vikas-corporation-harbour-line: This is the official website for E-paper of 'The Times of India' is a leading newspaper in India.
  9. Park, Byung-Hoon, and Hillol Kargupta. "Distributed data mining: Algorithms, systems, and applications. " (2002).
  10. Map of Suburban Railway Network Mumbai: http://www. mapsofindia. com/maps/mumbai/mumbai_rail. htm
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Viola Jones Algorithm Crowd Management Local Trains Train Management