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Anycast Technique to Increase the Life Time of Wireless Sensor Network

by Rahul C. Salunkhe, R. H. Borhade
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 84 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Rahul C. Salunkhe, R. H. Borhade

Rahul C. Salunkhe, R. H. Borhade . Anycast Technique to Increase the Life Time of Wireless Sensor Network. International Journal of Computer Applications. 84, 17 ( December 2013), 6-8. DOI=10.5120/14675-2894

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Wireless sensor network is collection of sensor nodes and one sink node. Sensor nodes sense the signals and forward to the sink node. In event driven wireless sensor network where some event is happened that event is sense by one of the sensor node and forward to sink node. Sensor nodes are small in size so the energy capacity of sensor node is very less. In the event driven wireless sensor network energy is consumed when radios are on waiting for packet to arrive. In most of the Event-Driven wireless sensor network Sleep Wake-Up scheduling is used where most of the time sensor node is in sleep mode so that the energy is saved but one drawback of this sleep wake up scheduling is that it introduces delay in the network. So it is very important that to save the energy so that life time of sensor node is maximize for this "Anycat Packet " Forwarding scheme is used where each node forwards the packet to the first neighboring node that wake up among multiple nodes. In sleep wake-up scheduling energy consumed by sensor nodes are depends on the wake up rate of the node. If the wake –up rate of node having less energy is more then that node not alive more time. This paper gives the details of how anycast forwarding scheme is used along with Sleep Wake up scheduling to balance the wake up rates of all sensor nodes so that the lifetime of WSN is increase.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


WSN Anycast technique Sleep –Wake up scheduling Sensor node Asynchronous.