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Knowledge Protection by Subjective Measure

by Cynthia Selvi P, Mohamed Shanavas A R
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 84 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Cynthia Selvi P, Mohamed Shanavas A R

Cynthia Selvi P, Mohamed Shanavas A R . Knowledge Protection by Subjective Measure. International Journal of Computer Applications. 84, 10 ( December 2013), 23-26. DOI=10.5120/14613-2865

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title = { Knowledge Protection by Subjective Measure },
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Basically a Data Mining system would generate thousands or even millions of patterns or rules. However all the generated patterns would not actually be interesting to any given user; In fact the interestingness of the patterns would be assessed only on the users' beliefs and expectations which is rather termed as subjective measure. When such interesting patterns are to be shared in a collaborative business environment, it would be more meaningful to restrict them based on the significance of individual items in the patterns to be protected. Hence, this work attempts to hide interesting patterns on the subjective measure and propose an algorithm which is tested for its effectiveness.

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  8. Cynthia Selvi P, Mohamed Shanavas A. R, "An Improved Item-based Maxcover Algorithm to Protect Sensitive Patterns in Large Databases", IOSR-Journal on Computer Engineering, Volume 14, Issue 4 (Sep-Oct, 2013), PP 01-05, DOI. 10. 9790/0661-1440105.
  9. The Dataset used in this work for experimental analysis was generated using the generator from IBM Almaden Quest research group and is publicly available from http://fimi. ua. ac. be/data/.
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Subjective measure Restrictive patterns Sensitive transactions Maxcover Sanitization.