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Stochastic Analysis of DSS Queries for a Distributed Database Design

by Manik Sharma, Gurvinder Singh, Rajinder Singh, Gurdev Singh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 83 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Manik Sharma, Gurvinder Singh, Rajinder Singh, Gurdev Singh

Manik Sharma, Gurvinder Singh, Rajinder Singh, Gurdev Singh . Stochastic Analysis of DSS Queries for a Distributed Database Design. International Journal of Computer Applications. 83, 5 ( December 2013), 36-42. DOI=10.5120/14447-2608

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Optimization of query in distributed database system is one of the dominant subjects in the field of database theory. Depending upon the placement of data a query can be described as centralized or distributed query. The processing of distributed query is entirely different from the centralized query as in the former case the data is distributed over number of sites. Decision Support System Query (DSSQ) is one of the decisive types of distributed query. DSS queries are complex and time consuming in nature. Due to the decentralization of data and the complexity of query, it becomes mandatory to optimize the DSS query in distributed database system. In this work an effort is made to find an optimal DSS sub query allocation plan in distributed environment stochastically using Genetic Algorithm. The queries are designed on the basis of one of the benchmark of DSS query as given by TPC-DS. The DSS queries are optimized on the basis of Total Cost. The use of Genetic Algorithm has significantly expedited the process of DSS query optimization. The effect of varying communication cost over Total Cost of system resources is also observed.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


DSS Query Distributed Database Genetic Algorithm Sub-query Allocation Plan.