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A New Strategy to Synthesis an Optimum Controllable HEN by using Fuzzy Analogical Gates

by M. H. Hussein, H. Moselhy, S. Aly, M. E. Awad
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 83 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: M. H. Hussein, H. Moselhy, S. Aly, M. E. Awad

M. H. Hussein, H. Moselhy, S. Aly, M. E. Awad . A New Strategy to Synthesis an Optimum Controllable HEN by using Fuzzy Analogical Gates. International Journal of Computer Applications. 83, 3 ( December 2013), 41-55. DOI=10.5120/14432-2578

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This paper presents a new strategy to synthesis optimum controllable heat exchanger networks; the proposed strategy consists of four sequential steps: i) Quantification of index of structural controllability. ii) Exergy analysis and normalized irreversibility. iii) Thermal effectiveness of network. iv) Fuzzy analogical gates network and selection of the best weight index. Two analogical gates (symmetric and asymmetric) are employed. The symmetric gate (AND gate) inputs are the index controllability and thermal effectiveness. The asymmetric gate (Invoke gate) inputs are the output of the AND gate and the normalized irreversibility. The proposed method has been applied for two problems well-known in published literature. The results of these case studies show that the present strategy is both robust and accurate when the index of controllability is the same for different networks and it's to hard to decide the optimum controllable network, also, from the view point of exergy and thermal effectiveness.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Controllability Heat exchanger networks Process synthesis Exergy analysis Thermal effectiveness Irreversibility Fuzzy analogical gates.