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A Survey on Applications of Multi Layer Perceptron Neural Networks in DOA Estimation for Smart Antennas

by Subhash Mishra, R. N. Yadav, R. P. Singh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 83 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Subhash Mishra, R. N. Yadav, R. P. Singh

Subhash Mishra, R. N. Yadav, R. P. Singh . A Survey on Applications of Multi Layer Perceptron Neural Networks in DOA Estimation for Smart Antennas. International Journal of Computer Applications. 83, 17 ( December 2013), 22-28. DOI=10.5120/14670-2998

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Smart antennas use antenna arrays with signal processing algorithms for identifying signals spatially. The direction of arrival (DOA) estimation has a significant role in the implementation of a smart antenna. The conventional and super resolution methods have been used for DOA estimation applications for a long time. These methods have been quite efficient. However, some of them have computational complexities associated with them. Besides, these methods exhibit limited performance in dealing with the correlated signals. Such reasons limit their suitability for real time applications. Neural networks are non linear and use simple mathematical operators. They map the non linear behavior of smart antennas and perform DOA estimations accurately with considerable time reduction. The multi layer perceptron (MLP) based neural networks have demonstrated their capability of estimating DOAs very effectively even for correlated signals.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Smart antenna Neural network (NN) Direction of Arrival (DOA) Multi layer perceptron (MLP).