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Reseach Article

Health Reference Information Model Architecture Research Issues and Challenges

by Samir K Amin, Dinesh Kumar Saini, Hemant Gaur
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 83 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Samir K Amin, Dinesh Kumar Saini, Hemant Gaur

Samir K Amin, Dinesh Kumar Saini, Hemant Gaur . Health Reference Information Model Architecture Research Issues and Challenges. International Journal of Computer Applications. 83, 14 ( December 2013), 31-36. DOI=10.5120/14518-2908

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The purposed Customization of patients care history in Personal health record (PHR) in hospital information system is to improve their health care service, about to build a database for the patient history in the hospital. It is very much needed in the current times because hospitals get many patients from various referral sources and most of the time the new hospital don't have patient history with them. All the tests and analysis carried out on the patients are asked to get it done again which cost lot of money and time. This kind of problem can be solved by adopting the Health Information Reference Model and adopting the HIS-HL-7. Standards are developed; the question is how to adopt them in different countries and different hospitals. If there is a framework and model that can help them to adopt this, it could prove to be very useful. In this paper efforts are made to analyses and study the health information reference model. Data quality, cost and patient care are the main areas of concerns for almost all health information models [1].

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  32. Dinesh K Saini, Wail M Omar , Mustafa Hassan, Khamsa Enaya and Saima Yazdani "University- Industry Linkage: Sohar University Experience with Case Study on Cisco Event as Experience for Learning in Developing Local Talent in Sultanate of Oman" MIT LNC Conference 2010 May 23-26 MIT USA .
  33. Dinesh Kumar Saini, Lakshmi Sunil Prakash and Wail M Omar "Review of Technological Challenges in Web - Based Learning Content Management Systems (LCMS) with special emphasis on extraction of Learning Contents" International Symposium, College of Applied Science, Ministry of Higher Education, April 13-16, 2010, Oman, P. No. 43-49.
  34. Dinesh Kumar Saini and Hemraj Saini "Cyber Defense: Use of AI Techniques," 3rd International Conference on Quality, Reliability and INFOCOM Technology (Trends and Future Directions), 2-4 December, 2006, Indian National Sciences and Academics, New Delhi (India). Conference proceeding.
  35. Dinesh Kumar Saini and Hemraj Saini "Cyber Defense Architecture in Campus Wide Network," 3rd International Conference on Quality, Reliability and INFOCOM Technology (Trends and Future Directions), 2-4 December, 2006, Indian National Sciences and Academics, New Delhi (India) conference proceeding.
  36. Dinesh Kumar Saini and Hemraj Saini "Achieving Quality Through Testing Polymorphism in Object Oriented Systems,"3rd International Conference on Quality, Reliability and INFOCOM Technology (Trends and Future Directions), 2-4 December, 2006, Indian National Sciences and Academics, New Delhi (India). Conference proceeding.
  37. Dinesh Kumar Saini and Hemraj Saini "Issues and Problems in Generation of Automated Test Data for Object Oriented Systems," 3rd International Conference on Quality, Reliability and INFOCOM Technology (Trends and Future Directions), 2-4 December, 2006, Indian National Sciences and Academics, New Delhi (India) Conference proceeding.
  38. Dinesh Kumar Saini and Hemraj Saini "Statistical Modeling of Extensibility in software" 3rd International Conference on Quality, Reliability and INFOCOM Technology (Trends and Future Directions), 2-4 December, 2006, Indian National Sciences and Academics, New Delhi (India). ISBN 81–7446–434–4 Conference proceeding.
  39. Dinesh Kumar Saini and Hemraj Saini "Compliance Management Framework and Methodology", 8th International Research Conference on Quality, Innovation and Knowledge Management, Feb 11-14, 2007 at IMT New Delhi Sponsored by CII, IBEF, Monash University .
  40. Dinesh Kumar Saini and Hemraj Saini "An Exploratory Study of Software Metrics on Performance Issues Of Web Services" International Conference on Controls, Automation and Communication Systems (ICCACS) at Bhubneswer December 2004.
  41. Dinesh Kumar Saini and Hemraj Saini "Quality and Reliability of Bluetooth Technology" international Conference on Quality Reliability and Control (In Communication and Information Systems) I. I. T. Mumbai, , ISSN 0972-6454, December 2001.
  42. Hemraj Saini and Dinesh Kumar Saini "AN Automated Test framework for Java Application" ICIT (IEEE Sponsored) Rourkella-2007.
  43. Dinesh Kumar Saini and Hemraj Saini "Software Metrics and Mathematical Models in the Software Development Environment for Improving its Quality", National Conference on Mathematical Modeling, BITS Pilani. Oct. 2005.
  44. Dinesh Kumar Saini and Hemraj Saini "Analytical Study of Mathematical Models For Software Reusability Metrics in Software Development Environment" National Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Analysis – October 2004
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Health Reference Information Model HIS-HL-7 Model Research Issues