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Pixel-QUAD based Reversible Data Hiding for High Embedding Capacity

by Rushikesh Borse
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 82 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Rushikesh Borse

Rushikesh Borse . Pixel-QUAD based Reversible Data Hiding for High Embedding Capacity. International Journal of Computer Applications. 82, 6 ( November 2013), 1-8. DOI=10.5120/14117-1216

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title = { Pixel-QUAD based Reversible Data Hiding for High Embedding Capacity },
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Embedding capacity and Perceptibility are prime issues in relation to data hiding techniques. There had been techniques for hiding data in reversible fashion. A new term 'Pixel-QUAD' is coined in this paper, instead of commonly used 'Pixel-Pair' for embedding the watermark data. This paper presents a high embedding capacity technique for reversible data hiding based on a Pixel- Quad approach. The proposed methodology for the technique is quite general and is applicable to any reversible watermarking scheme; Demonstration is done for a class of reversible watermarking schemes which operate on a disjoint group of pixels. An attempt is also made to propose algorithm to estimate the embedding capacity iteratively for a multi-pass scheme.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Data hiding Reversible watermarking Embedding capacity Pixel- Quad Capacity estimation.