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Reliability Analysis of the Energy Efficient Cluster Technique for WSN for Mobile Sink

by Shiv Prasad Kori, R. K .baghel
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 82 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Shiv Prasad Kori, R. K .baghel

Shiv Prasad Kori, R. K .baghel . Reliability Analysis of the Energy Efficient Cluster Technique for WSN for Mobile Sink. International Journal of Computer Applications. 82, 5 ( November 2013), 40-44. DOI=10.5120/14116-2169

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Presently wireless sensor network (WSN) is very popular in the many of industrial area where the cabling from sensor to sink is difficult. Because of growing use of WSN, it is a emerging topic in the research area. There are various limitation of WSN with high number of node and large area of network. The energy consumption is one of the important aspects of WSN due to limited access of sensor node and limited battery power. There are various research performed to reduce the energy loss in WSN by optimizing the physical layer parameter such that the modulation technique, operating frequency and antenna design. The energy loss also minimize by optimization of communication protocol. There is tradeoff between the reduction of energy consumption using protocol optimization and reliability of communication. The energy loss can be minimizing by reducing the communication overhead but it may lead to information loss during the transient behavior of WSN. The problem of reliability becomes more critical when the sink has mobility. This paper will show the implementation of simulation setup for mobile sink based WSN and performance evaluation of WSN for communication overhead and reliability. Two protocol BBM and cluster based protocol are comparing for performance analysis.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


WSN cluster BBM reliability communication overhead etc.