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Is Always a Hybrid Recommender System Preferable To Single Techniquesh

by Himan Abdollahpouri, Adel Rahmani, Alireza Abdollahpouri
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 82 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Himan Abdollahpouri, Adel Rahmani, Alireza Abdollahpouri

Himan Abdollahpouri, Adel Rahmani, Alireza Abdollahpouri . Is Always a Hybrid Recommender System Preferable To Single Techniquesh. International Journal of Computer Applications. 82, 4 ( November 2013), 42-48. DOI=10.5120/14108-0361

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Collaborative filtering (CF) recommender systems are typically unable to generate adequate recommendations in sparse datasets. Empirical evidence suggests that incorporation of a trust network among the users of a recommender system can significantly help to alleviate this problem. For this reason, some studies have been done on combining CF with trust-enhanced recommender system. In this study, we analyze the switching hybrid recommender system with the CF and trust-enhanced recommender system components from both rating coverage and mean absolute error point of view. Experiments on a dataset from Epinions. com prove that, although the rating coverage of this hybrid method is better than both (CF and trust-enhanced RS), but has lower accuracy than just using trust-enhanced RS. In other words, trust-enhanced RS outperforms the hybrid recommender system consisting of CF and trust-enhanced RS. Finally, we justify this result using analytical method.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Recommender systems collaborative filtering trust hybrid recommender system