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Design and Synthesis of Pants for Recording the Angles of Hip, Knee and Ankle Joint with Computer Processing

by Ali Jamali Nazari, Ali Bakhshi, Mohammad Taghi Javadi, Seyyed Mohammad Ziazadeh, Nina Norouzi Gharahasanloo, Mohammad Rasa Golrokh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 82 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Ali Jamali Nazari, Ali Bakhshi, Mohammad Taghi Javadi, Seyyed Mohammad Ziazadeh, Nina Norouzi Gharahasanloo, Mohammad Rasa Golrokh

Ali Jamali Nazari, Ali Bakhshi, Mohammad Taghi Javadi, Seyyed Mohammad Ziazadeh, Nina Norouzi Gharahasanloo, Mohammad Rasa Golrokh . Design and Synthesis of Pants for Recording the Angles of Hip, Knee and Ankle Joint with Computer Processing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 82, 3 ( November 2013), 36-40. DOI=10.5120/14100-2121

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%A Seyyed Mohammad Ziazadeh
%A Nina Norouzi Gharahasanloo
%A Mohammad Rasa Golrokh
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An electrogoniometer is a device used to measure the angle of joints during dynamic movements. Flexion ,extension , abduction and adduction are the motions that are measured by an electrogoniameter . This study has both software and hardware parts. In its hardware part, these elements have been used: A PIC16F877 as the microcontroller, two 32 kilobytes memories, an 8 channel A/D IC, and elements like resistors, capacitors and some other elements. The Lab VIEW software has been used for receiving data. This software shows the gathered information thorough printer port which is sent from the external memories. But anyway the goal of using such different tools is designing and synthesis of wired pants that records the angels of feet and legs (8 JOINTS) simultaneously and showing them in the computer. The most advantage of these pants is its dynamicmovement measuring.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Electrogoniameter PIC controller Labview A/D IC angle measurings