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An Efficient Security Mechanism to Detect the Packet Droppers in a MANET under Individual and Collusive Adversarial Models

by Shirina Samreen, G. Narsimha
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 82 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Shirina Samreen, G. Narsimha

Shirina Samreen, G. Narsimha . An Efficient Security Mechanism to Detect the Packet Droppers in a MANET under Individual and Collusive Adversarial Models. International Journal of Computer Applications. 82, 2 ( November 2013), 39-43. DOI=10.5120/14091-2095

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Most of the existing security mechanisms for detecting the packet droppers in a mobile ad hoc network generally detect the adversarial nodes performing the packet drop individually wherein false accusations upon an honest node by an adversarial node are also possible. In this paper, we propose a security mechanism to detect those nodes performing packet dropping either on their own individually or in collusion such that they cannot evade detection and no false accusations are possible. The detection of adversarial nodes is done by the source node through the analysis of the reports submitted by all the intermediate nodes on the source to destination paths. The composition of the report from each of the intermediate nodes involves certain pre-computed hash values which act as acknowledgments from each receiver node (successor) to the forwarder node (predecessor) and also a secure proof through which each intermediate node claims the packets which have been received within a communication session. The proposed mechanism has minimum communication and computational overhead since the secure proof is based upon a hash computation and report submission is secured through symmetric cryptographic primitives. The report analysis process ensures that evading the detection is not possible even in collusive adversarial model.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Packet droppers Colluding adversaries Reports Secure proof Onion hash.