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Performance Evaluation of FSR, DYMO and LANMAR Routing Protocols

by Satveer Kaur, Shivani Khurana
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 82 - Number 15
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Satveer Kaur, Shivani Khurana

Satveer Kaur, Shivani Khurana . Performance Evaluation of FSR, DYMO and LANMAR Routing Protocols. International Journal of Computer Applications. 82, 15 ( November 2013), 16-19. DOI=10.5120/14239-2386

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title = { Performance Evaluation of FSR, DYMO and LANMAR Routing Protocols },
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Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of mobile nodes that are arbitrarily located so that the interconnections between nodes are energetically altering [1]. In MANET mobile nodes forms a temporary network without the use of any existing network infrastructure or centralized administration. A routing procedure is used to find routes between mobile nodes to facilitate communication inside the set of connections. The main goal of such an ad hoc network routing protocol is to establish correct and efficient route between a pair of mobile nodes so that messages delivered within the active route break intermission. Route should be discovered and maintained with a minimum of overhead and bandwidth expenditure. This article presents performance evaluation of three different routing protocols i.e. Fisheye Source Routing (FSR), Landmark Adhoc routing protocol (LANMAR), and Dynamic MANET on Demand Routing Protocol (DYMO) with respect to different nodes. Performance of FSR, LANMAR and DYMO is evaluated based on Throughput and Average end to end delay with and without Black hole Attack.

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  9. E.D. Kaplan (Editor) “Understanding the GPS: Principles and Applications, Artech House, Boston, MA” Feb. 1996.
  10. L. Klein rock and K9 “Fahim Maan, Nauman Mazhar. MANET Routing Protocols vs. Mobility Models: A Performance Evaluation” ICUFN, 2010.
  11. MIAO Quan-xing, XU Lei. “DYMO Routing Protocol Research and Simulation Based on NS2 International Conference on Computer Application. Stevens, “Fisheye: A Lenslike Computer Display Transformation,” Technical report, UCLA, Computer Science Department 2010.
  12. Fahim Maan, Nauman Mazhar “MANET Routing Protocols vs. Mobility Models: A Performance Evaluation,” CUFN, 2012.
  13. MIAO Quan-xing, XU Lei “DYMO Routing Protocol Research and Simulation Based on QUALNET” International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling, 2011.
  14. Rashid Sheikh, Mahakal Singh Chandel, durgesh Kumar Mishra “Security issues in MANET: A Review” IEEE, 2010.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Adhoc networks FSR DYMO and LANMAR Black Hole Attack