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Implementation of ìXP-QFDî in a Small Scale Project

by Nandini Nayar, Tanu Sharma, Sushil Kr. Bansal, Sapna Saxena
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 82 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Nandini Nayar, Tanu Sharma, Sushil Kr. Bansal, Sapna Saxena

Nandini Nayar, Tanu Sharma, Sushil Kr. Bansal, Sapna Saxena . Implementation of ìXP-QFDî in a Small Scale Project. International Journal of Computer Applications. 82, 10 ( November 2013), 20-23. DOI=10.5120/14152-2328

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Eliciting requirements is the most crucial part of software development. Deficient, ambiguous and worthless requirements are among the major causes of failure of any project. The process of requirement elicitation in Extreme Programming must include some systematic approach to simplify the process such that requirements elicitation may be carried out efficiently. As a part of this research, an algorithm has been developed for creating House of Quality matrix and an approach named "XP-QFD" which integrates Extreme Programming (XP) and Quality Function Deployment(QFD), has been implemented in a small scale project that helps in delivering quality software by efficient prioritization of user stories and saving data in orderly manner for better decision making.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Disaggregation Extreme Programming House of Quality Quality Function Deployment Risk User Story XP-QFD.