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Approach towards Optimum Data Transfer with Various Automatic Variable Key (AVK) Techniques to Achieve Perfect Security with Analysis and Comparison

by Rajat S Goswami, Swarnendu K Chakraborty, Abhinandan Bhunia, Chandan T Bhunia
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 82 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Rajat S Goswami, Swarnendu K Chakraborty, Abhinandan Bhunia, Chandan T Bhunia

Rajat S Goswami, Swarnendu K Chakraborty, Abhinandan Bhunia, Chandan T Bhunia . Approach towards Optimum Data Transfer with Various Automatic Variable Key (AVK) Techniques to Achieve Perfect Security with Analysis and Comparison. International Journal of Computer Applications. 82, 1 ( November 2013), 28-32. DOI=10.5120/14081-2078

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Session to session key variation is the only approach for achieving perfect security as per Shannon [1-2]. This paper deals with time variant key technique Automatic Variable Key (AVK) introduced by Bhunia[3-5] and we tried to analyze the performance of different types of new AVK techniques.

  1. C E Shannon, "Mathematical theory of communication", The Bell System Tech J, Vol. 27,1984, pp. 379-423, 623-656.
  2. C E Shannon, "Communication Theory of Secrecy System", The Bell System Tech J, 1949.
  3. C. T. Bhunia, G. Mondal, and S. Samaddar, "Theory and application of time variant key in RSA and that with selective encryption in AES", 2006, Indian Engineering Congress, Kolkata.
  4. C. T. Bhunia, "New approaches for selective AES towards tackling error propagation effect of AES," Asian Journal of Information Technology, vol. 5990, pp. 1017-1022,2006.
  5. P. Chakrabarti, B. Bhuyan, A. Chowdhuri and C. T. Bhunia, "A novel approach towards realizing optimum data transfer and automatic variable key (AVK)," International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, vol. 8,no. 5,May2008.
  6. C Konar, C T Bhunia, "A novel approach towards realizing optimum Data Transfer and AVK in cryptography",International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol 8, No 5, 2008, pp. 241-250.
  7. C T Bhunia, "New Approaches for Selective AES towards Trackling Error Propagation Effect of AES", Asian Journal of Information Technology, Pakistan, Volume 5, No. 9, pp 1017- 1022, 2006.
  8. C T Bhunia et al, "Implementation of Automatic Variable Key with Choas Theory and Studied Thereof", J IUP Computer Science, Vol V, No 4, 2011, pp 22-32.
  9. C T Bhunia et al, "Theories and Application of Time Variant Key in RSA and that with selective encryption in AES", Proc. EAIT, Elsevier Publications, Calcutta CSI 2006, pp 219-221.
  10. . Chakrabarty, C T Bhunia et al, "A novel approach towards realizing optimum Data Transfer and AVK in cryptography", International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Korea, Vol 8, No 5, May 2008, pp. 241-250.
  11. C. T. Bhunia, Swarnendu Kumar Chakraborty, Rajat Subhra Goswami, "A New Technique (CSAVK) of Automatic Variable Key in Achieving Perfect Security", 100th Indian Science Congress Association 3rd – 7th, January, 2013.
  12. Rajat Subhra Goswami, Swarnendu Kumar Chakraborty, Abhinandan Bhunia, C. T. Bhunia, "New approach towards generation of Automatic Variable Key to achieve Perfect Security", 10th International Conference on Internet Technology, Next Generation, ITNG, 2013, 14th – 17th April' 2013, IEEE computer Society, CPS, pp:489-491.
  13. Rajat Subhra Goswami, Swarnendu Kumar Chakraborty, Abhinandan Bhunia, C. T. Bhunia, "Various New Methods of Implementing AVK", 2nd International Conference on Advances in computer Science & Engineering, CSE2013, 1st – 2nd July' 2013, Atlantis Press, pp: 149-152.
  14. Rajat Subhra Goswami, Swarnendu Kumar Chakraborty, Abhinandan Bhunia, C. T. Bhunia, "Generation of Automatic Variable Key under various approaches in Cryptography System", Communicated to Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India).
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


AVK CSAVK ASAVK DSAVK KVRN Protocol Randomness Perfect Security.