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Reseach Article

Image Processing for Save Life Predictions of Tomato Fruit using RGB Method

by Dwi Susanto, Aristoteles, Ossy Dwi Endah W
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 81 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Dwi Susanto, Aristoteles, Ossy Dwi Endah W

Dwi Susanto, Aristoteles, Ossy Dwi Endah W . Image Processing for Save Life Predictions of Tomato Fruit using RGB Method. International Journal of Computer Applications. 81, 6 ( November 2013), 1-5. DOI=10.5120/14013-2158

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author = { Dwi Susanto, Aristoteles, Ossy Dwi Endah W },
title = { Image Processing for Save Life Predictions of Tomato Fruit using RGB Method },
journal = { International Journal of Computer Applications },
issue_date = { November 2013 },
volume = { 81 },
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month = { November },
year = { 2013 },
issn = { 0975-8887 },
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%T Image Processing for Save Life Predictions of Tomato Fruit using RGB Method
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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Tomatoes are agricultural commodities has the high consumption for Indonesian people. Tomato fruit shave different shape and color, the color of a tomato can characterize the level of maturity. This research has been determine the level of maturity of tomatoes based on the color. The simulcast tomatoes for counting levels of tomato color image using a digital camera. Image color of Tomato levels obtained by calculating the average value of RGB components of the tomatoes picture. The red color more than 60 percent (ripe) indicates shelf life 7-10 days, the red color more than 40 percent (half-ripe tomatoes) indicates shelf life 10-12 days, the red color more than 20 percent (half-unripe tomatoes) indicates shelf life 13- 15 days, and the red color less than 20 percent (unripe tomatoes) over 15 days. This research shows the levels of red and green color affect the level ripeness of tomatoes. The higher the red colors and decreasing green color of fruit tomatoes indicate tomatoes more ripened. The position of tomatoes simulcast affect the level of accuracy, when tomatoes simulcast from the side reached accuracy 100 percent, while from the top reached 62. 5 percent.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Clasifications Image Processing Maturity Save Tomato RGB