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Customization of Human-Computer Interface Guided by Ontological Approach in Web 2.0

by Yasyn Elyusufi, Hamid Seghiouer, Abdelhamid Benkaddour
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 81 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Yasyn Elyusufi, Hamid Seghiouer, Abdelhamid Benkaddour

Yasyn Elyusufi, Hamid Seghiouer, Abdelhamid Benkaddour . Customization of Human-Computer Interface Guided by Ontological Approach in Web 2.0. International Journal of Computer Applications. 81, 5 ( November 2013), 1-6. DOI=10.5120/14005-2070

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The philosophy of web 2. 0 applications is based on the democratization of access to information by providing the users, having humble technical knowledge, with the possibility to participate and improve web functions. In this very context figures this article, which is part of a series of research conducted by the team within the framework of the development of web 2. 0 and participatory design of web interfaces. It aims at proposing a new design technique of web interfaces through involving the user in all stages of this process. In this respect, the internet users' contributions will be quite useful in web interfaces design by answering the questionnaires suggested by the system. These questionnaires will be integrated within ontology of the domain of human-computer interface ergonomics. The answers to the suggested questionnaires will allow a semantic classification of profiles according to a vector model and, then, develop ontology of users. Accordingly, the system will be able to categorize users in a definite profile based on their ergonomic interests and make a decision about the interfaces recommended by each type of profile. This article consists of three sections. In the first section, HCI technologies related to web 2. 0 are presented. Secondly, participatory design and interface evaluation methods will be discussed. In the third section, HCI evaluation model guided by an ontological approach will be advanced in order to help the system make decisions about interfaces. The conclusion comes in the last section.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


HCI Web 2. 0 Ontology Semantic Web Ergonomics