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A Review on Software Algorithms for Optical Recognition of Embossed Braille Characters

by Shreekanth. T, V. Udayashankara
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 81 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Shreekanth. T, V. Udayashankara

Shreekanth. T, V. Udayashankara . A Review on Software Algorithms for Optical Recognition of Embossed Braille Characters. International Journal of Computer Applications. 81, 3 ( November 2013), 25-35. DOI=10.5120/13993-2015

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Optical Braille Recognition (OBR) system is computer software that automates the process of acquiring and processing images of Braille documents. It converts images of embossed Braille characters into their corresponding natural language characters. This involves few steps that include: Image Acquisition, Image pre-processing, segmentation, dot recognition and converting into computerized textual form. This review traces the earlier works carried out by the researchers on the development of OBR. In this study we try to highlight on the existing OBR solutions with special emphasis on dot recognition of the Embossed Braille Image characters.

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  17. Nestor Falcon, Carlos M. Travieso, Jestis B. Alonso and Miguel A Ferrer, "Image Processing Techniques for Braille writing Recognitor", EUROCAST 2005, LNCS 3643.
  18. Mihara, Y. , A. Sugimoto, E. Shibayama and S. Takahashi. "An interactive braille-recognition system for the visually impaired based on a portable camera". 2005
  19. Zhang, Xuan; Ortega-Sanchez, Cesar; Murray, Iain; "Hardware-based Text-to-Braille Translator", Eighth International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, ASSETS 2006, pp. 229-230.
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  22. Abdul Malik Al-Salman, Yosef ALOHAI, Mohammed ALKanhal and Abdulla AIRajith. "An Arabic Optical Braille Recognition System". ICTA 2007 April 12-14
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  24. Amany Al-saleh,Ali El-Zaat, and AbdulMalik AlSalman. "Dot Detection of Optical Braille Images for Baille Cells Recognition". K. Miesenbeger et al. (Eds):ICCHP 2008,LNCS5105, 2008, pp. 821-826.
  25. Zhenfei Tai, Samuel Cheng, and Pramode Verma. "Braille Document Parameters Estimation for Optical Character Recognition". G. Bebis et al. (Eds. ): ISVC 2008, Part II, LNCS 5359, 2008, pp. 905–914.
  26. Yoosefi Babadi, M. , Nasihatkon, B. , Azimifar, Z. , Fieguth, P. : "Probabilistic estimation of Braille document parameters". IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2001–2004(2009).
  27. M. Abdelmonem, M. El-Hoseiny, A. Ali, K. Emara, H. Abdel Hafez, A. Gamal, 2009. "Dynamic Optical Braille Recognition (OBR) System" in Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, & Pattern Recognition IPCV'09, Las Vegas Nevada, USA, pp. 779-786
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  32. L. Jie; Y. Xiaoguang; Z. Dayong, 2010. "Optical Braille recognition with Haar wavelet features and Support-Vector Machine", in Computer, Mechatronics, Control and Electronic Engineering International Conference (CMCE'10), Changchun, pp. 64 – 67.
  33. Rawan Ismail Zaghloul Tomader Jameel Bani-Ata "Braille Recognition System – With a Case Study Arabic Braille Documents",European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X Vol. 62 No. 1 (2011), pp. 116-122.
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  40. M. Yousefi , M. Famouri, B. Nasihatkon, Z. Azimifar and P. Fieguth "A robust probabilistic Braille recognition system" IJDAR (2012) 15:253–266
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  44. Santanu Halder, Abul Hasnat, Amina Khatun, Debotosh Bhattacharjee, Mita Nasipuri "Development of a Bangla Character Recognition (BCR) System for Generation of Bengali Text from Braille Notation" International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-3, Issue-1, June 2013
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  50. WHO Available at: http://www. who. int
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Braille Inter-Point Braille Braille Cell Dimensions Grade I Grade II Grade III.