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2-D Speech Enhancement based on Curvelet Transform using Different Window Functions

by A. K. Verma, A. R. Verma, Manoj Kumar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 81 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: A. K. Verma, A. R. Verma, Manoj Kumar

A. K. Verma, A. R. Verma, Manoj Kumar . 2-D Speech Enhancement based on Curvelet Transform using Different Window Functions. International Journal of Computer Applications. 81, 13 ( November 2013), 1-4. DOI=10.5120/14069-2276

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In this paper, an improved method based on Curvelet Transform using different window functions is presented for the speech enhancement. The window function is used for pre-processing of speech signals. In this method, instead of using two-dimensional (2-D) discrete Fourier Transform, Curvelet transform is employed with spectral magnitude subtraction method.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Spectral subtraction method Cosh Exponential Hamming Hanning Curvelet transform.