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Reseach Article

Automatic Transformation of Hospital Processes into an Executable Model with EPML

by Matthias Kuhn, Joachim Lippold, Horst Salzwedel
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 80 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Matthias Kuhn, Joachim Lippold, Horst Salzwedel

Matthias Kuhn, Joachim Lippold, Horst Salzwedel . Automatic Transformation of Hospital Processes into an Executable Model with EPML. International Journal of Computer Applications. 80, 9 ( October 2013), 20-30. DOI=10.5120/13890-1818

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Executable specifications are realized by models in simulation software systems. This requires collection of all necessary information about the real system and its environment. It is critical that all relevant information is included in the model and the correct level of abstraction is being used. Often, process descriptions are available for real systems (e. g. hospitals). To create executable specification out of existing documentations a transformation is required. The process descriptions are generally incomplete, often not formal standardized and thereby not able to be transformed into a simulation model. Therefore the appropriate process description language has to be selected and generally extended (e. g. to include resources) to enable an automated transformation into a simulation model. This paper describes how hospital processes (e. g. clinical pathways) can be transformed automatically into a simulation model using extended event driven process chains (eEPC). The event driven markup language (EPML) is used as interchange format. The transformation rules are defined by extensible style sheet language transformations (XSLT).

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Process transformation process modeling simulation hospital EPML