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Reseach Article

Comparative Study of Data Possession Techniques for Data Storage as a Service (DSaaS)

by Parth D Shah, Amit P Ganatra
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 80 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Parth D Shah, Amit P Ganatra

Parth D Shah, Amit P Ganatra . Comparative Study of Data Possession Techniques for Data Storage as a Service (DSaaS). International Journal of Computer Applications. 80, 4 ( October 2013), 38-42. DOI=10.5120/13853-1691

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Cloud computing is a utility where software, infrastructure or storage can be purchased remotely. Users can access data from anywhere through network connectivity. In Cloud Computing resources are shared among different user so that all users can access the data from shared infrastructure via same physical hardware. However, this technique raises many concerns over the honesty of network users. Because of shared resources used in Cloud, user does not have permission to modify, delete or access of other user's data. Also users do not have control of their own data in cloud. So data integrity is one of the biggest security issues come in picture of Cloud Computing. For the Cloud service provider to provide integrity of user's data in cloud is extremely difficult task. To provide integrity of user data traditional integrity tools do not use because of dynamic nature of user data. Providing monitoring service will help data owners to ensure integrity and also provides a transparent yet cost-effective method for data owners to gain trust in the cloud. Provable Data Possession (PDP) allows data owner to periodically check their data stored in cloud storage are intact. In this method client can check without downloading the file as well does not required a local copy. Another method which could be considered as improvement over PDP is Proof of Retrivebility (POR). This method detects data integrity as well as it recovers original data. Both methods are probabilistic. As a part of this paper work data integrity techniques have been surveyed and some of the research gaps have been identified which is presented here.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud Computing Data Storage Secuority challenges Integrity proofs Remote Data Checking