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Reseach Article

Survey of Malicious Attacks in MANET

by Neha Shrivastava, Anand Motwani
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 80 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Neha Shrivastava, Anand Motwani

Neha Shrivastava, Anand Motwani . Survey of Malicious Attacks in MANET. International Journal of Computer Applications. 80, 14 ( October 2013), 28-30. DOI=10.5120/13931-1916

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A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of mobile nodes and is autonomous having communication through the insecure wireless links. The nodes in the network dynamically add and join the network. Due to this kind of nature nodes are vulnerable to various kinds of attacks. There are many threats in wireless Mobile Ad hoc Networks. MANETs suffers from intrusion in which a malicious node may or may not participate in route discovery mechanism with an intension to degrade the overall network performance. Intrusion has serious impact on routing and delivery ratio of packets. Many researchers have conducted different techniques to propose different types of detection and prevention schemes. Here various attacks types and a survey of the existing solutions is presented.

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  5. Yudhvir Singh, Avni Khatkar, Prabha Rani, Deepika, Dheer Dhwaj Barak ,"Wormhole Attack Avoidance Technique in Mobile Adhoc Networks",(283-287) 2013 Third International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies, 978-0-7695-4941-5/13/ 2013 IEEE
  6. Sapna Gambhir and Saurabh Sharma," PPN: Prime Product Number based Malicious Node Detection Scheme for MANETs", (335-340) 2012 3rd IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), 978-1-4673-4529-3/12/ 2012 IEEE.
  7. Rutvij H. Jhaveri, "MR-AODV: A Solution to Mitigate Blackhole and Grayhole Attacks in AODV Based MANETs ", (254-260)2012 Third International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies, 978-0-7695-4941-5/12 / 2012 IEEE.
  8. Roopal Lakhwani , Vikram Jain , Anand Motwani , " Detection and Prevention of Black Hole Attack in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks", International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 59– No. 8, December 2012.
  9. Pramod Kumar Singh, Govind Sharma," An Efficient Prevention of Black Hole Problem in AODV Routing Protocol in MANET",(902-906) 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, 978-0-7695-4745-9/12/ 2012 IEEE.
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  12. S. Kurosawa, H. Nakayama, N. Kat, A. Jamalipour, and Y. Nemoto, "Detecting Blackhole Attack on AODV based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks by Dynamic Learning Method", International Journal of Network Security,Vo1. 5, No. 3, P. P 338-346, Nov. 2007
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Mobile Ad hoc Network MANET Security Black hole attack Gray hole attack Worm hole attack.