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Cluster based Routing Protocol for Cognitive Radio Wireless Mesh Networks

by Pavan Kumar T, Ramesh Babu B, Rajasekhar Rao K, Dinesh Gopalni
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 80 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Pavan Kumar T, Ramesh Babu B, Rajasekhar Rao K, Dinesh Gopalni

Pavan Kumar T, Ramesh Babu B, Rajasekhar Rao K, Dinesh Gopalni . Cluster based Routing Protocol for Cognitive Radio Wireless Mesh Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 80, 12 ( October 2013), 27-31. DOI=10.5120/13914-1812

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%T Cluster based Routing Protocol for Cognitive Radio Wireless Mesh Networks
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Cognitive wireless mesh networks (WMN's) are an emerged technology has made rapid changes in communication world. A wireless mesh network consists of mesh routers and mesh clients, in which mesh clients are highly mobile; due to this it should transmit continuous signaling messages to the gateway for their location registration. By transmitting signaling messages continuously more bandwidth is utilized so the overall performance of the network will be degraded. To overcome this problem we are introducing a new concept called clustering, which includes both static and dynamic clustering for mesh routers and mesh clients. By using these clustering algorithms we can reduce the signaling messages, so the overall network performance will be increased.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Wireless mesh network (WMN) static clustering dynamic clustering mesh router (MR) mesh client (MC) cluster head (CH) gateway (GW).